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Sephiroth's Music

We have many versions of the Sephiroth Song, and his theme music and much more. Select your file below in either synthesized or standard music formats for your own Sephiroth Song. We offer MP3s of Final Fantasy VII music, along with Midi versions.

By choosing to download the following mp3 files you are agreeing that you already legally own them and thus accept all responsibility and any consequences that may come with this by downloading them. If you do not own them, the webmaster cannot be held responsible for you choosing to download these files.


Chasing The Black Cape Man
This music plays while hunting for the man in the black cape. A great Sephiroth related music download.

Chosen By The Planet
This foreboding track gives an ominous warning that something bad is about to, or has happened.

One Winged Angel Midi
The favorite Sephiroth theme, one winged angel, in Midi format. This is the theme music most people imagine when trying to find good Sephiroth theme songs.


Sephiroth's Evil Theme
This foreboding track is just like Chosen By The Planet, but in MP3 format. Enjoy all our great Sephiroth Songs and Music!

One Winged Angel

The infamous theme song of Sephiroth, filled with fantastic orchestra music.

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